Ma'ani al-Huruf, Dalalat al-Adawat an-Nahwiyah wa Ma'aniha fil-Quran

معاني الحروف ودلالات الأدوات النحوبة ومعانيها في القرآن الكريم

There are many books that give different definitions of Huroof and Adawaat, this one is distinguished by its academic method, for each term the author:

- lists the different definitions and acceptances

- gives the verses of the Quran which encompasses its different uses

- summarize in a diagram the definitions with their name and their use.

Beautiful edition, the Sheikh does not fail to mention his sources in annotations.

13.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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معاني الحروف ودلالات الأدوات النحوبة ومعانيها في القرآن الكريم
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