Sharh Qatr Nada de ibn Hisham - Annotations Abu Bilal al-Hadrami

شرح قطر الندى و بل الصدى للإمام ابن هشام - أبو بلال الحضرمي

Explanation of the famous Qatran-Nada by the author himself, ibn Hisham. This Yemeni edition is verified and annotated by Abu Bilal al-Hadrami of Dammaj, who has already written several reviews and reviews of works in the Arabic language.

There are all harakats on Ibn Hisham's original Sharh, and Abu Bilal al-Hadrami has made extensive additional comments to best explain and clarify this important work in Nahu and Sarf.

Superb edition of Saudi quality, 100% harakat on the Matn and the Sharh of ibn Hisham (not on the annotations), printing in black and red on beige paper.

45.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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شرح قطر الندى و بل الصدى
الإمام ابن هشام (761ه) ـ
دار الأثار
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أبو بلال الحضرمي
أبو بلال الحضرمي
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Sharh Qatr Nada de ibn Hisham - Annotations Abu Bilal al-Hadrami
45.90 €