Matn al-'Ashmawiyyah fi Fiqh Saadat al-Malikiyyah

متن العشماوية في فقه السادة المالكية

Basic matn in the Maliki Madhhab (100% harakat) includes the following chapters:

1- Annulatives of ablutions
2- Categories of water
3- Performing ablutions
4- Performing Ghousl
5- Performing Tayamoum
6- Performing Prayer
7- Prohibited acts
8- The Qunut and the Tashahud during the prayer
9- The supererogatory prayers
10- The detestable acts during the prayer
11- The reparation of prayer
12- The rules for the imam
13- The rules for the one who prays behind the imam
14- The rules of Friday prayers
15- Good behavior on Friday
16- Valid excuses not to pray the Friday prayer
17- The funeral prayer
18- The rules of fasting

1.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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متن العشماوية في فقه السادة المالكية
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