Manahij at-Tahsil, Sharh al-Mudawanah - Al-Rajwaji (10 vol.)

مناهج التحصيل ونتائج لطائف التأويل في شرح المدونة وحل مشكلاتها - الرجراجي

Here is one of the most important explanations made at the Fiqh monument of Imam Malik, al-Moudawanah. This 10-volume explanation is the work of the great scholar 'Ali ibn Sa'id ar-Rajwaji, eminent Maliki scholar of the 7th century.

The edition dates from 2007, so a little old. It is authenticated from 5 manuscripts, and there are annotated all the necessary references at the bottom of the page. Finally, there are at the end of the work search indexes by verse, athar or subject.

149.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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مناهج التحصيل ونتائج لطائف التأويل في شرح المدونة وحل مشكلاتها
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