Tahqiq al-Murad fi Sharh Matn az-Zad - Abdullah ibn 'Aqil (harakat)

تحقيق المراد في شرح متن الزاد - شيخ الحنابلة عبد الله ابن عقيل

Brief explanation of the famous Matn Zad al-Mustaqni 'in fiqh Hanbali, by Sheikh of Hanabila of our time, Sheikh Abd Allah ibn And al-'Aziz ibn' Aqil, rahimahuLlah.

This sheikh was one of the most important pupils of Sheikh as-Sa'di, professors of a large number of current Hanbali scholars and the depositary of very numerous Ijazat in the Madhhab of Imam Ahmad.

These are the annotations of Sheikh Abd Allah ibn 'Aqil from his courses, in which he explains the text and develops certain subjects, exposes the opinions of the Madhhab, sometimes exposes his opinions and those of his Sheikh Abderrahman as-Sa'di cites relevant rules and foundations to the student.

Magnificent Saudi edition, prepared by Sheikh Khalid al-'Amr, prefaced by Sheikh al-Fawzan, with the harakat majority.

19.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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تحقيق المراد في شرح متن الزاد
شيخ الحنابلة في عصرنا عبد الله بن عبد العزيز بن عقيل
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خالد بن ماجد بن عبد الرحمن الرشيد العمرو
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