Furu' al-Fiqh of Ibn Mabrid developed by 'Amir Bahjat

فروع الفقه لابن عبدالهادي - د. عامر بهجت

The book Furu' al-Fiqh, written by Ibn Abdelhadi known as Ibn Mabrid, is the shortest summary of Fiqh Hanbali ever.

Sheikh Amir Bahjat develops here the Matn by detailing the Hukm of each subject and their conditions. Then he continues his pedagogical work by the precise questioning of the student (several hundred questions) intended to strengthen understanding and learning.

In this new edition, the audios (5 explanations of the Matn in audio class) are accessible by QR code.

12.50 € (شامل للضريبة)
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فروع الفقه لابن عبدالهادي
د. عامر بهجت
دار طيبة الخضراء
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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Furu' al-Fiqh of Ibn Mabrid developed by 'Amir Bahjat
12.50 €