The way of the Salaf in Jarh and Hajr - Al-'Ubaylan

المنهج القويم في بيان طريقة السلف في جرح والتقييم - الشيخ العبيلان

Risala of Shaykh 'Abd Allah al-'Ubaylan entitled: al-Manhaj al-Qawim fi Bayan Tariqah al-Salaf fi al-Jarh wa Taqiyym.

The Purpose of the Risala is to demonstrate the correct way in the criticism of individuals and which may result as a boycott of those criticized. For this, the author quotes several clear passages of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah he develops and explains.

Some quotes and hadeeth are written with harakats.

5.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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المنهج القويم في بيان طريقة السلف في جرح والتقييم
الشيخ العبيلان
دار اللؤلؤة
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