The obligation of the union of Muslims and their Imam - Ibn Barjis

الإمر بلزوم جماعة المسلمين وإمامهم والتحذير من مفارقتهم - عبد السلام بن برجس

Risalah of Sheikh Abd-As-Salam ibn Barjas Al-Abd-al-Karim, on the order and the obligation of the union of the Jam'ah of Muslims and this under the aegis of their governor, and the warning to divide them.

As usual, the Sheikh delivers a concise and very relevant epistle, punctuated by important proofs and quotations.

4.20 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الإمر بلزوم جماعة المسلمين وإمامهم والتحذير من مفارقتهم
الشيخ عبد السلام بن برجس آل عبد الكريم
دار الإمام أحمد
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The obligation of the union of Muslims and their Imam - Ibn Barjis
4.20 €