Fiqh as-Salaf fi al-Fitan (authentic Hadith and Athar)

فقه السلف في الفتن - طريق بن أحمد البيضاوي

A collection of Hadith and authentic Athar demonstrating the attitude to adopt and the attitude adopted by the Salaf during the appearance of the Fitan, and how to act with science, how to work, how to react when one is affected by the trials, and how to overcome them and avoid the harm of these fitnas.

The author gathers hadeeth and athaar by theme, gives their reference and degree of authenticity, and enumerates the beneficial points and lessons to be learned from them.

Very nice edition, with the preface of Mustafa al-'Adawi.

13.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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فقه السلف في الفتن الطريقة العلمية العملية لمنهج السلف الصالح في التعامل مع الفتن
طريق بن أحمد البيضاوي
مؤسسة الرسالة
صطفى العدوي
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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