'Awali al-Imam Malik - Al-Hakim Al-Kabir (378H)

عوالي الإمام مالك - الحافظ الحاكم الكبير

Collection of 'Awali of Imam Malik, namely the highest chains, ie the hadiths whose chains are the shortest (the least narrotorsinbetween) between Imam Malik and the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhiwasallam.

Reunited by the Imam, the Hafidh al-Hakim al-Kabir (378H).

Edition verified, authenticated and annotated, with tables recapitulating the "height" of the hadith chain. Harakat in the majority.

12.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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عوالي الإمام مالك
الحافظ الحاكم الكبير
دار ابن حزم
In Majority or Totality
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'Awali al-Imam Malik - Al-Hakim Al-Kabir (378H)
12.00 €