Irshad Rahman li Asbab Nuzul wa Nasikh wa Mansukh wa Mutashabbih...

إرشاد الرحمن لأسباب النزول والناسخ والمنسوخ والمتشابه وتجويد القرآن

An incredible book by Sheikh 'Atiyah al-Ajhuri, Egyptian scholar of the 12th century, which deals with all the sciences attached to the Qur'an: the causes of revelation, the abrogated and the repealing, the verses that are alike and finally the rules of Tajweed.

Beautiful edition in 2 volumes, verified from 3 manuscripts, with annotations referencing the words and quotes of the author, and research summaries.

37.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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إرشاد الرحمن لأسباب النزول والناسخ والمنسوخ والمتشابه وتجويد القرآن
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