Collection of hadiths of the causes of revelation - Al-Isti'aab fi Bayan al-Asbab

الإستيعاب في بيان الأسباب - سليم الهلالي و موسى نصر

A unique book that brings together all the existing hadiths on the causes of revelation of the Qur'anic verses, quoting them all, according to the order of the suras, and giving their degree of authenticity.

This excellent work is the fruit of two former students of Sheikh al-Albani, Salim al-Hilali (specializing in the hadith and Tahqiq) and Muhammad Musa an-Nasr (specializing in the Quran and its sciences).

For each hadeeth they give the degree of authenticity and then is discussed in annotations citing the sources and chains of transmission. The Athars are also mentioned after the hadith but without authentication, only with the referencing.

Very beautiful Saudi edition in 3 volumes.

75.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الإستيعاب في بيان الأسباب
سليم بن عيد الهلالي - محمد بن موسى آل نصر
دار ابن الجوزي
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