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Miftah al-Wusul ila Bina al-Furu' 'ala al-Usul - Sharif at-Talmisani

مفتاح الوصول إلى بناء الفروع على الأصول - الإمام الشريف التلمساني

The book “Miftāḥ al-wuṣūl ilá bināʼ al-furūʻ ʻalá al-uṣūl” (Key to Reach the Building of Branches upon the Sources) by Imam al-Sharif Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Hasani al-Tlemceni (d. 771 AH), is considered one of the books of the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence that has been popular among the scholars and jurists of North Africa to this day, because it has many benefits that are not hidden to the visionary researcher. The study of this book is characterized by the following:
- Addressing the raised jurisprudence issues, according to a fundamentalist perspective.
- Branching out judgments and linking them to their evidence, while explaining the significance of the linkage.
- Carefully applying the branches on the sources, which helps understand these rules.

Excellente edition with the serious Tahqiq and annotations of Shaykh Ferkous, 100% harakat on the text.

€30.00 (tax incl.)
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مفتاح الوصول إلى بناء الفروع على الأصول ويليه كتاب مثارات الغلط في الأدلة
الإمام الشريف محمد بن أحمد التلمساني
دار ابن حزم
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الشيخ محمد علي فركوس
الشيخ محمد علي فركوس
In Majority or Totality
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Miftah al-Wusul ila Bina al-Furu' 'ala al-Usul - Sharif at-Talmisani