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Irshad Tullab al-Haqaiq ila Ma’rifah Sunan Khayr al-Khalaiq - Nawawi

إرشاد طلاب الحقائق إلى سنن خير الخلائق - الإمام النووي

It is a book by Imam Al-Nawawi about the book “Muqaddimah” of his teacher Ibn Al-Salah on the fundamentals of the hadith or what was known then by hadith terminology, i.e. how to study the chain of authority, check its authenticity and distinguish the authentic from the weak.

Imam al-Nawawi listed in the introduction of the book a classification of the core referential books for the students of hadith science to help them considerably in navigating and pursuing the study, and he also suggested some opinions over others.

Very beautiful Syrian edition, verified from 2 manuscripts.

€14.00 (tax incl.)
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إرشاد طلاب الحقائق إلى سنن خير الخلائق
الإمام يحي بن شرف النووي
دار المنهاج القويم
In Majority or Totality
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Irshad Tullab al-Haqaiq ila Ma’rifah Sunan Khayr al-Khalaiq - Nawawi