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'Amal Ahl al-Madinah 'inda al-Malikiyyah

عمل أهل المدينة عند المالكية وعلاقته بالأدلة الكلية - إلياس دردور

A book on a very important theme: the actions of the people of Medina. Indeed the acts of the people of Medina are a very used proof in the Maliki madhhab.

However the scholars Maliki, even the students of Imam Malik have diverged on the understanding and use of this evidence.

The Sheikh gathered all the words of Imam Malik on the subject, then the words of his students, then the words of Maliki scholars, then the words of non-Maliki scholars and finally he gave concrete examples.

An excellent book very simple to read which is the basic doctoral thesis of Sheikh Idriss Dardour that he defended at the University of Zitouna in Tunisia.

€16.90 (tax incl.)
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عمل أهل المدينة عند المالكية وعلاقته بالأدلة الكلية
الدكتور إلياس دردور
دار ابن حزم
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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'Amal Ahl al-Madinah 'inda al-Malikiyyah