Wajh an-Nahar (annotations to the Mushaf) - Abd al-Aziz ibn Harbi

وجه النهار الكاشف عن معاني كلام الواحد القهار( بهامش المصحف الشريف )

Wajh an-Nahar li Kashif 'an Ma'ani Kalam al-Wahid al-Qahhar is like a dictionary of difficult or technical words of the Quran. But let the Sheikh Abd al-Aziz ibn Harbi explains himself:

"In this book I did not intend to explain the Verses of the Qur’an, or to present its rulings as our predecessors had done, or to explain its unusual words as those who had written in the “Vocabulary of the Qur’an” had done before. But I pursued another course: In this book, I have combined the interpretation of the vocabulary of the Qur’an, and its unusual sentences whose syntax, meaning, pronouns and formulas are difficult to compose, and added to it some valuable benefits, clever remark and inferences that I have read in the books of Tafsir and other books of jurisprudence, fundamentals of Islamic jurisprudence, of what I have heard from Muslim scholars and what Allah has revealed to me."

Very beautiful edition.

25.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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وجه النهار الكاشف عن معاني كلام الواحد القهار( بهامش المصحف الشريف )
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Wajh an-Nahar (annotations to the Mushaf) - Abd al-Aziz ibn Harbi
25.00 €