Understanding Modern Atheism and its Mechanisms

ميليشيا الإلحاد - عبد الله صالح العجيري

Among the unforeseen repercussions of the September 11 events is its impact on mobilizing atheist groups to advocate and preach their atheistic vision. This study is concerned with exposing some aspects related to this new atheistic pattern, because students of theological history will realize that atheism enjoys a moment of strength and weakness, and that it passes in the form of waves ravaging the human society from time to time. 

Each of these waves shares common and different characteristics and features with other atheistic waves. Therefore, it was important for the specialists in Creed to know the most important developments in the atheistic discourse, provide a doctrinal discourse capable of resisting this new atheistic tide, and to protect people from falling into its traps, which is what this study seeks to introduce and explain.

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عبد الله صالح العجيري
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