Haqiqatu al-Khawarij fi Shar'i wa 'Abra at-Tarikh

حقيقة الخوارج في الشرع وعبر التاريخ

The reality of the Khawarij in legislation and through history is a concise and highly profitable research on worst sect, that of the Khawarij, and this is very relevant.

Firstly the author highlights the Khawarij as described in the Sunnah and Athar. Then it develops their characteristics, ambiguities and responses to it.

After that he tells the story of the Khawarij in the Islamic world, and what is reported to them, and finally the release of Khawarij of our time and their characteristics.

Superb Kuwaiti edition.

15.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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حقيقة الخوارج في الشرع وعبر التاريخ
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