Al-Mawrid al 'Adhb az-Zulal (rebuttal of Ikhwan & Tabligh) - an-Najmi

المورد العذب الزلال فيما اعتقاد على بعض المناهج الدعوية من العقائد والاعمال ـ النجمي

Full title is : Al Mawrid ul 'Adhb uz-Zulaal fima I'tiqad 'ala ba'd il-Manaahij id-Da'awiyyah min al Aqaa-idi wal-A'maal, which can be translated as: The delicious and abundant source in the criticism of certain beliefs and ways in Da`wah.

This book of Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmi, foreword by Salih al-Fawzaan, Rabee Al-Madkhali and Muhammad ibn Hadi al-Madkhalee is a detailed rebuttal and a warning against the Bid'a and Hizbiyya in general and the innovated Da'wah  of Ikhwan and Tabligh in particular.

A strong and grieving book that traces the roots of the founders of these groups and their leaders, who are a glaring example of the fallacy of their ways.

Harakat partly.

19.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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المورد العذب الزلال فيما اعتقاد على بعض المناهج الدعوية من العقائد والاعمال
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منارة الإسلام
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