Al Ash'ariyyah fi Mizaan Ahl as Sunnah

الأشاعرة في ميزان أهل السنة ـ فيصل بن قزار الجاسم

Aqeedah Ashariyyah on the balance of people of the Sunna. Is the title of this large volume of 824 pages intended to refute Aqeedah Ashariya among the most widespread in the world. Moreover the book is a response to the base has a book called "The Ash'ariyyah are the people of the Sunnah: according to the scholars of the Ummah and proofs"

Research is very rich with many citations, well-ordered, it was prefaced by many Sunni scholars of many great Muslim countries (Senegal, Egypt, Pakistan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Morocco, Jordan and Saudi Arabia), showing and a global consensus on this important research and rebuttal.

39.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الأشاعرة في ميزان أهل السنة
فيصل بن قزار الجاسم
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