Kifayah al-Mubtadi fi 'Ilm at-Tajwid by Imam As-San'ani (1182H)

كفاية المبتدي في علم التجويد - محمد بن إسماعيل الأمير الصنعاني

3 Books on the Tajwid and the recitation of the Noble Quran:

The first is a Tajweed manual for beginners, written by the hand of a great imam revivifying Yemen, Muhammad ibn Isma'il al-Amir as-San'ani.

Follow-up of Tanbih ul-Ghafilin wa Irchad al-Jahilin of Sheikh As-Safaqsi, a Tunisian imam specializing in the sciences of the Koran (1118H), which is a book to clarify the mistakes of reading, pronunciations of each letter, explain some rules and focus on common issues and mistakes.

The collection concludes with an epistle by Sheikh Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Sanan, a former professor at the University of Medina on the mistakes and dangers in some recitations of some imams which contain mistakes, errors or even a psalmody close to the song.

Quality editing verified, authenticated and annotated.

11.50 € (شامل للضريبة)
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كفاية المبتدي في علم التجويد للإمام الصنعاني
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تنبيه الغافلين وإرشاد الجاهلين عما يقع لهم الخطإ حل تلاوتهم لكتاب الله المبين للعلامة الصفاقسي
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Kifayah al-Mubtadi fi 'Ilm at-Tajwid by Imam As-San'ani (1182H)
11.50 €