Al-'Uddah 'ala Sharh al-Umdah - As-San'ani (Sharh Umdatul-ahkam)

العدة على شرح العمدة لابن دقيق العيد - الأمير الصنعاني

One of the biggest explanations of Ummah al-Ahkam. Indeed, the great scholar As-San'ani (1182H) wrote a Sharh completing one of the most famous explanations of the Matn, that of Ibn Daqiq al-'Id.

In this excellent high-quality edition (Turkish edition), the Muhaqqiq verified the text of Ibn Daqiq al-'Id from several manuscripts, and he did the same for the commentary of Emir as-San'ani.

The Sharh of As-San'ani is very thorough, he speaks about the narrators of the hadiths, institutes a comparative debate on the legal points raised in the Hadiths by confronting the schools and the evidence.

A great work in a very serious edition and really beautiful!

199.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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العدة على شرح العمدة لابن دقيق العيد
الأمير الصنعاني
دار اللباب
Checking and preparation
محمد خلوف العبد الله
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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Al-'Uddah 'ala Sharh al-Umdah - As-San'ani (Sharh Umdatul-ahkam)
199.00 €