Fath al-Baqi bi Sharh Alfiah Al-'Iraqi - Sheikh al-Islam Zakaria al-Ansari

فتح الباقي بشرح ألفية العراقي - زكريا الأنصاري

Explanation of one of the best poems written in the science of Hadith, the Alfiat of Imam Hafidh al-'Iraqi, by one of the greatest Imams of the Shafiite school (just like al-'Iraqi for that matter), Sheikh Zakaria al-Ansari, nicknamed Sheikh al-Islam in the Shafii Madhhab because of his vast science and because he wrote in all sciences.

This Sharh is important in the study of the science of Hadith and Mustalah al-Hadith, it is a reference work in the field.

Good quality edition with a very serious and thorough Tahqiq, including additional important notes for the reader.

24.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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فتح الباقي بشرح ألفية العراقي
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Fath al-Baqi bi Sharh Alfiah Al-'Iraqi - Sheikh al-Islam Zakaria al-Ansari
24.00 €