Fatawa of the great scholars of Al-Azhar on tombs, mawlid, vows...

فتاوى كبار علماء الأزهر الشريف حول الأضرحة والقبور والموالد والنذور

Fatawa's collection of the great scholars of Al-Azhar - past and present - on major topics related to Aqida: tombs, domes on graves, worship of graves, pious vows (Nadhr) to other than Allah , the celebration of Mawlid Nabawy.

The Fatawa of these scholars Azhari (The Lajna Azhariyyah, various Egyptian Muftis or ministers of religious affairs, great members of Dar al-Fatwa, etc.) confirm the blame and the prohibition of these practices.

An excellent book that demonstrates unanimity on these issues and is ideal for doing da'wah to non-Salafis.

3.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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فتاوى كبار علماء الأزهر الشريف حول الأضرحة والقبور والموالد والنذور
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