Collection of 10 Mutun in Tajweed and Qiraat

إتحاف البررة بالمتون العشرة في القراةات والرسم والآي والتجويد

Verified and authenticated collection of the 10 important selected Matn in Tajwid and Qur'anic Readings , in medium format (12x17cm), 100% harakat, hard cover, printed in black and red on white paper.

The 10 Mutoon are:

1- Jirz al-Amani wa Wajh at-Tahani fi Qira-at as-Sab '(Matn Ash-Shatibiyyah) - Ash-Shatibi (590H) [1173 verses]

2- Nadhm Ahkam Qawlihi Ta'ala {آلآن} - Al-Mutawalli (1313H) [37 verses]

3- Ad-Durrah al-Madiyyah fi al-Qira'at ath-Thalath - Ibn al-Jazari (833H) [241 vers] - with the complementary annotations of Al-Mutawalli (1313H)

4- Tayyibah an-Nashr fi al-Qira'at al-'Ashr - Ibn al-Jazari (833H) [1015 verses]

5- Al-Fawa-id al-Mu'tabarah fi al-Qira-at al-Arba' ba'd al-'Ashrah - Al-Mutawalli (1313H) [571 verses]

6- Aqilah Atrab al-Qasa-ib fi Rasm - Ash-Shatibi (590H) [298 verses]

7- Nadhimah az-Zuhr fi 'Adad Al-Ayy - Ash-Shatibi (590H) [297 verses]

8- Al-Muqaddimah of Imam Ibn al-Jazari (833H) [109 verses]

9 - Tuhfah al-Atfal wa al-Ghulman fi Tajwid Kalimat al-Quran of Al-Jamzuri [61 verses]

10- Abiyat Qasr al-Munfassil of Sheikh Ibrahim Shihatah ash-Shamatudi [19 vers]

9.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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إتحاف البررة بالمتون العشرة في القراةات والرسم والآي والتجويد
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Collection of 10 Mutun in Tajweed and Qiraat
9.00 €