Mutun an-Nahu wa as-Sarf wa Qawa'id al-Imlae (7 Matn)

متون النحو والصرف

Collection of 7 Matn in grammar, morphology, conjugation and writing rules:

  1. Matn al-Ajrumiyyah

  2. Nadhm al-Ajrumiyyah

  3. Qatr an-Nada

  4. Mulhah al-I'rab

  5. Ad-Durrah al-Yatimah

  6. Shudhur adh-Dhahab

  7. Lamiyah al-Af'al

Medium size (14x20cm), 100% harakat, print in black and red on beige paper.

4.80 € (شامل للضريبة)
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