Complete study of Umdat ul-Fiqh 6 Vol. (Tables, Questions, MCT, CD)

حقيبة التمرينات على عمدة الفقه

Beautiful contemporary work intended for the in-depth study of the Matn of Hanbali Fiqh Umdah al-Fiqh, Imam ibn Qudama al-Maqdissi.

Divided into 6 volumes in soft cover, printed in color on glossy paper, with a CD containing all the structure of the work in the form of diagrams in a PowerPoint document.

The study looks like this:
  • The Chapter of Al-Umdah with the harakat.

  • Then the development of the chapter in titles, subtitles and numbered point, enumeration of conditions, sunnasetc ...

  • Then are listed the Fawaid, the points of reflection, on what subject of Usul Fiqh the subject is related, questions are asked to invite to develop the subject, to link it to contemporary questions and the student is invited to ask about the ins and outs of the Masail by using his reflection and inviting him to do some research.

  • Also at the end of the chapter is a series of multiple choice questions and also series of questions in the form of tables inviting to check the corresponding right Hukm.

In short, an excellent way to learn in a methodical and detailed way the Matn of Umdatul-Fiqh.
75.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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حقيبة التمرينات على عمدة الفقه
دار طيبة الخضراء
Checking and preparation
إعداد متخصصين من مكتب فقهاء

إشراف وشرح : د/عامر بهجت
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