So that they may ponder its verses - Li yuDabbiru Ayaatuh

ليدبروا آياته - حصاد سبع سنوات من التدبر

Here the work of Merkez Tadabbur lid-Dirasat wal-Isticharat a unusual tafsir whose central theme of meditation on the meaning of the verses of the Holy Quran. For this they gathered fawaaid from the major Tafseer, but also contemporary science people's words (ibn Baz, al-Uthaymeen ...), words of the Salaf.

The sources are many and varied and allow the reader to benefit from a multitude of meditations and reviews verses of the Qur'an in one collection, then it would have taken hours, even years of reading to enjoy all these numerous fa-ida scattered here and there.

Beautiful edition of exemplary quality, limited quantity.

Note: The book is full of salafis quotations from imams of Tafseer, or as scholar as Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, Ibn Baz, al Uthaymeen etc ... there are also several quotes from people criticized such as al-Ghazali, Nasir Umar, Munajjid and other even that will be unfamiliar to you. Whosoever will enjoy Fawaid do so, as the one that this will impair too much pass its way, the Tafseer is Salafi in Aqeedah and shows no sectarian or political excesses elhamdulillah but rather of good quotes in their direction and suitable for meditation from various horizon.

25.50 € (شامل للضريبة)
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ليدبروا آياته - حصاد سبع سنوات من التدبر
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