Al-Misbah al-Munir (Arabic-Arabic Dictionary) - Al-Fayoumy

المصباح المنير - الفيومي

Dictionary in Arabic, written by the Scholar Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ali al-Fayumy (770H).

Among the peculiarities of this dictionary, the fact that its author is drawn from more than 70 sources of references in the Arabic language, and the fact that he often takes as a demonstrative example of prophetic hadiths.

Shafii of Maddhab and specialized in Arabic language (he was a pupil of Ibn Hayyan al-Andalousi), he began to write a book explaining all the complex words of a great Shafii Fiqh book of Imam ar-Rifa'i (Fath al-'Aziz fi Sharh al-Wajiz). Then he refined his work by adding many words and deepening the explanations. Finally he will summarize his work, making a dictionary of average size.

A very beneficial to the student dictionary in Arabic as it will benefit from illuminating definitions and rich teaching, grammar rules, Tasrif (Sarf) of Masdar, plurals, male and female, etc ...

13.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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المصباح المنير
أحمد بن محمد بن علي الفيومي المقري
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Editions available

Al-Misbah al-Munir (Arabic-Arabic Dictionary) - Al-Fayoumy

Edition Edition 1

Al-Misbah al-Munir (Arabic-Arabic Dictionary) - Al-Fayoumy  المصباح المنير - الفيومي

Edition Edition 2

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Editions available

Al-Misbah al-Munir (Arabic-Arabic Dictionary) - Al-Fayoumy

Edition Edition 1

Al-Misbah al-Munir (Arabic-Arabic Dictionary) - Al-Fayoumy  المصباح المنير - الفيومي

Edition Edition 2

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Al-Misbah al-Munir (Arabic-Arabic Dictionary) - Al-Fayoumy
13.90 €