An-Nadiyah al-Islamiyah fi Siyar A'lamuha al-Mu'asirin (6 volumes)

النهضة الاسلامية في سير أعلامها المعاصرين - د. محمد رجب البيومي

This book brings together the biographies of contemporary scholars (from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century). The author wanted to gather the biographies of important scholars of our era, in order to make a modern biographical work, bringing together scholars of any horizon, any country, any specialty.

The author was an expert in Arabic literature (he presided in particular the faculty of Arabic language of Al-Azhar). He died in 2011, one year after the date of the publication of the 6th volume. It must be seen that Dr. Muhammad Rajab al-Bayyumi has compiled the biographies according to his religious and contemporary environment. As an Azhari scholar specialized in literature, one should not expect to find the great Salafi shuyukhs who died recently or at the end of the 20th century, even if we find great personalities such as Ahmad Shakir, Ibn Badis, Al-Ibrahimi or Muhammad ibn Ibrahim. You will discover the life of contemporary scholars who have marked their time or their places of life, or the sciences in which they were specialized.

Edition in 6 volumes, the volumes were published as the author advanced his work, the first volume in 1995 and the last in 2010. In the last volume there is a summary covering the 6 volumes.

105.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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النهضة الاسلامية في سير أعلامها المعاصرين
د. محمد رجب البيومي
دار القلم
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