Al-Ilmam bi Khatm Sirah ibn Hisham - Imam as-Sakhawi (902H)

الإلمام في ختم سيرة ابن هشام - الحافظ السخاوي

Here is a particular work but filled with Fawaaid, it will give you a glimpse of a Dars with a Sheikh like the Imam, the Hafidh, the Muhaddith Shams ad-Din as-Sakhawi (902H).

It is customary to conclude beautifully the works such as when finishing the Qur'an, a collection of Hadith, the teaching of a book etc ... Here imam as-Sakhawi had just finished his reading the famous biography of Ibn Hisham and here are the pearls and the subjects he will treat to finish his lesson:

The biographies of Ibn Hicham and his Sheikh ibn Ishaq, their respective teachers and students, and how was written the work of ibn Hisham, how it was compiled and composed. Then he will list the books on the Maghazi, the books of Prophetic biography, the proofs of the Prophecy, the books on the Miracles, the characteristics of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his specificities ...

This edition is checked and annotated so that we can grasp the references to people, places and books that are made accurately.

5.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الإلمام في ختم سيرة ابن هشام
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