Al-Jami' fi Kutub al-Iman wa ar-Rad 'ala al-Murjiah (2 volumes)

الجامع في كتب الايمان والرد على المرجئة - عادل آل حمدان

Excellent collection aimed at bringing together the great works of the Salafs which explains the authentic definition of the faith in response to the stray groups in this field which are the Murjiahs and the Khawarij.

The researcher and Muhaqqiq 'Adil al-Hamdan therefore gathered 10 works of the Salafs on al-Iman and also wrote the first volume of this research "Al-Madkhal ila al-Jami' fi Kutub al-Iman wa ar-Rad 'ala al-Murjiah "which gives the context of these Risalahs, in particular by clearly explaining the Aqida of the Murjiah and their particularities.

Here are the 10 Kutub gathered:

  1. Al-Iman, by Abi 'Ubayd al-Qassim ibn Sallam
  2. Al-Iman, by Ibn Abi Shaybah
  3. Al-Iman, by Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal
  4. Al-Iman, by Ibn Abi 'Umar al-Madani
  5. Al-Iman, by Muhammad ibn Aslam at-Tussi
  6. Charh al-Iman wa al-Islam, by Zubayr ibn Ahmad az-Zubairi
  7. The chapters on al-Iman wa ar-Rad ala al-Murjia from Nukat al-Quran by Al-Qassab
  8. Ar-Rad ala al-Murjia from the book "At-Tanbih wa ar-Rad" by Al-Mulatti
  9. Al-Iman, by Qadi Abi Ya'la
  10. The chapters on al-Iman wa ar-Rad ala al-Murjia from Al-Hujjah fi bayan al-Mahajjah by At-Tamimi

All of these works are checked from manuscripts and the author's biography is given.

60.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الجامع في كتب الايمان والرد على المرجئة
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