Madhhab Ahl at-Tafwid fi Nusus as-Sifat - Ahmad al-Qadi

مذهب أهل التفويض في نصوص الصفات - أحمد بن عبد الرحمن القاضي

This is a Master thesis showing the truth about the Tafweedh, examples and misconceptions of the adherents of Tafweedh and the arguments of the school of Tafweedh and evidence of its falsehood.

This Thesis is distinguished by the collection of the opposing views on the issue of Tafwid, the extensive discussion of those supporting Tafwid, and highlighting the effects of this doctrine among the sects, old and new.

Beautiful Saudi edition, this thesis gets the mention excellent.

30.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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مذهب أهل التفويض في نصوص الصفات
أحمد بن عبد الرحمن القاضي
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