Tarikh Adab al-Arab by Mustafa Saadeq Al-Rafe'ie

تاريخ آداب العرب - مصطفى الرافعي

In the first part of the book Al-Rafe’ie has studied the Arabic Language, its origins, the phases of its refinement, its spread in the tribes, its phonetics, the different dialects of the speakers and the secrets of the language system. He singled out the second section of this part talking about narration and narrators.

The second part is devoted to the Holy Qur’an and prophetic rhetoric.

The third part contains a presentation of the history of Arab poetry, its schools, the fine arts created from it, the Andalusian literature, the writing and its history among the Arabs, the anecdotes of Arabic books, rhetorical devices and figures of speech.

Al-Muhaddith Ahmed Shakir described Mustafa ar-Rafi'i as: “The Imam of writers in this era and the authority in the Arabic language”.

19.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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Tarikh Adab al-Arab by Mustafa Saadeq Al-Rafe'ie
19.00 €